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Новый Свет: приключения, эполеты и кринолины

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Логотипа как такового у нас нет, но есть мужик с ружьём:

Адрес форума:

Официальное название:
Новый Свет: Авантюрные приключения.

Дата открытия:
25.02.2014 г.

Служебные функции только на служебных аккаунтах Администратор, Модератор.
А для связи: скайп plotnikovakursk, и две почты plotnikovakursk@gmail.com и mrsparrow@list.ru

Приключения в декорациях истории.

Организация игровой зоны:

Краткое описание:
Далеко-далеко, за океанами, в дальних краях, где небо голубее, деревья зеленее, а вода прозрачнее, текут золотые реки в алмазных берегах... Первопроходцы, отправляясь навстречу неизведанному, могли так считать или не считать, но во славу своих держав всё же открыли новые земли, богатые различными сокровищами.
Как происходило это, и что было потом?
И что интересно-игрового может быть в колониальных землях, вдали от блеска королевских дворцов метрополий? Пираты, индейцы, искатели сокровищ и искатели славы. Бескрайние джунгли, голубой океан, загадочные пирамиды, золотой Эльдорадо.
Приключения и авантюры в большом городе, в непроходимых джунглях и в открытом море, с политикой, чудесами, любовью, войной. Трудовые будни черных плантаций и блеск аристократических балов. Шаманы-вудуисты и испанцы-инквизиторы. Юные гардемарины и нежные девы. Всё, что душе угодно.

Здесь всегда есть место приключениям.





"Что это там такое?"



- Adventurous Adventures -
авантюрные приключения

Новый Свет...
... Символ новых надежд на новую жизнь.
... Где ищут удачи и авантюристы, и карьеристы.
Опасности и приключения. Война и мир. Любовь и свобода.

Джентльмены удачи в поисках славы или сокровищ.
Новая колониальная аристократия.
Борьба политических и экономических интересов.

В Новом Свете каждый найдет себя:
во дворце и в лачуге, в седле и под парусом,
в кандалах и в кружевах -
всегда и везде есть место приключениям.




- I noticed something happened to Ira then on the river, for some reason you don’t talk anymore. Yes, and she walks with a sour face, she is not herself, - Ivan began to spin Slava into a dialogue.
It was like I pierced her through and the blood went down her thighs.
Vera silently pulled him by the cock to her pussy, he climbed over her leg and again found himself in the same position.
I definitely felt even worse - a pretty girl was lying next to me, but it was scary to move on to the most crucial stage. We have known each other for more than ten years, we had very strong and trusting friendships. It's one thing to be a little naughty within the limits of flirting. Another is to step over the line and get to know each other a little "deeper", if you know what I mean. In general, I was held back by some inertia in our relationship. But my member didn't care about these conventions. He needed a woman and no moral torment could make him become at least a little less firm. I guiltily told Olya that I apologize in advance if she suddenly feels how glad I am to see her. She snorted and suddenly pressed her ass to my groin with one movement, fidgeted a little on the penis and, sighing languidly, calmed down.
liveartbcs.com/trinidad-and-tobago/11-03-2022. Breathing quickened, moans flew from his lips. Well, my wine is good. And Valya is not the first to try it. He put his hand into the crotch panties are wet, which means the woman is ready. Kissed lips, chest, neck, biting in a fit of passion. The neighbor just gasped with pleasure. Marital sex usually follows the formula: kiss on the lips, kiss the nipples and insert the end. And then Valya was sucked slowly, gently and affectionately, every centimeter of the body was stroked.
"And how then?"
Have you tried anal sex? Now let's try.
A couple of minutes in the open air slowly did their job, I came to my senses, the state of drunken lustful rage receded. I arched my back. Only then did it dawn on me. Fuck. They filmed me on phones. A crowd of men filmed me with bare tits and cunt. Who knows, maybe there is a video of me being fucked in a booth. Surely, after all, some smart guy dared to look through the partition. I broke into a hysterical fit of laughter. Right now, someone uploads porn with my participation to the Internet, sends videos to friends' confu, how they have a drunk whore in a club toilet. It was the finish line.
It's done! The fact of fucking with the proletarian entered the annals! So far, the truth is only in the iPhone ... Dimka hasn't fucked me in the ass yet. But everything else was on the level.


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